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The original weight loss protocol -

31-01-2017 à 16:18:35
The original weight loss protocol
You will gain a few pounds these first two days. Your calories should be a minimum of 1500 a day. Simeons discovered the cure by observing women in third world countries who were working hard and long hours with very little food. T. More recently, however, researchers have found that HCG can actually help the body burn more fat and can be used to aid in weight loss when combined with a healthy low calorie diet and a moderate exercise routine. Stay on this until you have completed the hCG diet. Many patients willingly submit to a second or third treatment. Dr. Be sure to take your measurements before beginning, as some days you will not notice any weight loss but you will see lose of inches. In fact, doctors have used HCG for many years in order to help women experiencing hormonal issues or fertility problems. This is very critical because this is when your body resets your metabolism and hypothalamus for your new body weight. T. W. A. Read all labels on spices as many contain sugar. HCG levels are measured in pregnancy tests to detect whether a woman is pregnant or not. He realized that even though these women were practically starving out in the fields, they were still giving birth to perfectly normal, healthy, full weight babies. The goal here is to stay stay within 2-3 pounds above or below the last weight you recorded while still taking hCG. There are no age or sex limits, and tolerance to the treatment is excellent.

You must continue the 500 calorie diet for three days after your last drops. Simeons realized that whether the mothers ate or not, the baby was STILL GETTING THE NUTRITION they needed through a biological process using HCG. Simeons, a London-born physician practicing at the Ospedale Salvatori Mundii in Rome. Phase 3: Three Week Maintenance Phase ( 21 days ): You must avoid all sugars or starches for 3 weeks. The HCG Diet Protocol was written and discovered by Dr. All natural Hickory Liquid Smoke (no sugar no msg), minced onions. Simeons who devoted his life to the study of obesity and how to cure it. Please note that people, who gain their weight back, usually failed at this part of the diet. Salmon, eel, tuna fish, smoked fish are NOT allowed. Phase 2: Day 3—23 (up to 43 days), Now watch the weight come off. Slowly introduce sugar and healthy carbs back into your diet in small amounts while keeping a close eye on the scale. This is a perfect time to add exercise back into your schedule. A. You will retain water if your intake falls below its normal requirements. It does not necessarily eradicate obesity, but weight losses are rapid, comfortable, and the maintenance period after treatment runs a smoother course. It takes about 3 weeks after following this protocol to become stable. Your weight will be back down the following day. Weigh yourself every day at the same time after you have emptied your bladder first thing in the morning, record your weight every day on the chart provided. Continue your drops as above and begin the 500 calorie diet. The first report on the use of HCG for the management of obesity was published in 1954 by the late Dr. W. HCG is an acronym which stands for human chorionic gonadotropin.

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